Claimed Results as of 7 December 1998:
(see the Official Results above, after log checking)
US & Canada
Bold entries in these tables indicate logs received by AD6E.
This year's
California QSO Party has again set new participation records. A record 538 logs were
received this year, or about 10% more than last year. From California, we enjoyed a great
opening to Europe, and the Japanese were out in force again.
The biggest score by any station any where was the
massive N6O effort put out by the Radio Oakley M/M folks. This team operated five
transmitters and netted an astounding 4,933 QSO total. Thats 17% more than their
previous record setting score last year. Congratulations to N6RO, N6BV, K3EST, K2KW, and
K6AW. County hunting
was made much more exciting with two major mobile competitors roaming the state. K6AQL
wandered through 25 California counties, and WW6Z rumbled through an amazing 34
counties. Given the large size of California, working this event from 34 counties is a
truly amazing feat. Another CA mobile, K6MO operated from a boat in the middle of
San Pablo bay right at the point where Marin, Solono, Contra Costa, and Sonoma counties
meet. N6KZ was also a mobile in Kern county. All in all, mobile stations made 1,410
With all this activity, no less than 30 stations
outside CA managed a complete CA sweep. Compare that with only 14 sweeps last year! The
very first sweep was made by WO4O when he worked W0EAX/6 in Yolo county at 23:35Z.
Thats only 7 hours and 35 minutes into the contest. Congratulations!
Sweeps of all CA counties:
NB1B |
WO4O |
W5MN |
W8GN |
W8MJ |
W9WI |
KO7X |
K4EA |
K3WW |
N5DO |
N6HR/7 |
N0AC |
K5KG |
WT9B |
In CA, 49 stations found all 50 US states plus the
eight Canadian call districts for sweeps.
N6ED |
NI6T |
NF6S |
KC6X |
WX6M |
WM6A |
K6RO |
K6NO |
W6DQ |
W6UT |
AE6Y |
K6KM |
W6KC |
K6UT |
W0YK |
K6DW |
N6KI |
K6RB |
NM6Q |
W6EU |
WN6K |
K6BZ |
NT6K |
K6EL |
N6PL |
N6O |
N6HC |
W6TK |
AC6T |
K6LA |
KF6T |
K6RC |
County Expeditions are Field Day style operations from rare counties, or at least a nice
location that is off the beaten path. This year saw 18 CCE operations in locations from
San Diego to Trinity counties. NF1J/6 set up three different times putting Colusa, Lake,
and Yolo counties on the air. There were three separate expeditions to Lake county alone.
County Expeditions:
NF6S |
K6Z |
W6G |
N6LL |
K6XV |
N7CW |
NF1J |
N6PL |
N6DE |
K6RC |
K6BJ |
Although the top scores were not record breakers
themselves, a total of 31 new records were set this year. 12 county records fell. 16 out
of state records fell including the 5 year old South American record. So many new records
were set this year that they are now tabularized below.
I do want to give proper credit to Gary, VE7NTT,
for his all time high score from anywhere outside CA last year. That very significant
achievement was under reported in last years results. At 164,604 points I expect
that high standard will last for some time. Certainly no one came close this year.
New Records in California
Butte |
K6KM |
203,899 |
Calaveras |
196,156 |
Humboldt |
183,056 |
Los Angeles |
K6LA |
310,938 |
Marin |
234,117 |
Napa |
W6OSP AD6E op |
199,305 |
Riverside |
189,080 |
San Luis Obispo |
W6TK |
237,713 |
Santa Cruz |
W0YK |
277,965 |
Shasta |
K6BZ |
243,774 |
Siskiyou |
NI6T |
241,106 |
Sonoma |
157,296 |
Novice/Tech |
76,868 |
Most CW QSOs |
N6TV |
1,237 |
Multi-Multi |
N6O @N6RO |
655,023 |
Out of State new Records
Alaska |
69,720 |
Arkansas |
80,127 |
Iowa |
N0AC |
103,443 |
Massachusetts |
NB1B |
107,155 |
Michigan |
W8MJ |
128,006 |
Ohio |
W8GN |
112,868 |
Pennsylvania |
110,084 |
South Carolina |
68,292 |
Tennessee |
W4CAT K1KY op |
125,483 |
Maritime |
VE1JX K6HNZ op |
61,480 |
Quebec |
VE2CUA AG8L op |
78,432 |
Saskatchewan |
38,558 |
South America |
33,700 |
Low Power |
W8MJ |
128,006 |
Most CW QSOs |
K9BG |
427 |
1st to
58 |
WO4O |
7:35 |
This growing information age we live in continues to
affect CQP. The number of "soft logs", or logs submitted that can be read by
computer (email or floppy) almost doubled from last year to 213 (40%) out of a total of
538 logs. Virtually all of the top scoring stations used computers to do logging and
submitted soft logs. There were two logs that were manually typed! Only 130 logs (24%)
were written by hand with pencil or pen. 117 logs (22%) looked to be computer generated,
but the owners didnt see fit to send in a machine readable copy; only a print out.
Well have to work on those guys next year!
So how active was the 98 CQP?
There were 63,587 CW QSOs (34%) and 124,459 SSB QSOs
(66%) reported in all the logs received. This generated a total of 24,380,814 points.
However, that is not the whole story. By analyzing the soft logs received, there appeared
to be about 5,684 valid, non-unique call signs in use during CQP. These ranged from 4N1DX
to ZS6XL. That means only 10.5% of CQP participants sent in logs. We really need to work
on those other guys to send in their logs next year!
Log checking was tackled by AD6E, W6OAT,
NF6S, W6ISO, N2ALE, N6DE, and K6III. Log checking rules were established by the team
as follows: Any simple copying error such as wrong NR, wrong QTH, or wrong call was
penalized by reducing the score by ½ of a QSO. Double copying errors (ex: wrong call and
wrong NR) or worse were penalized by removing the QSO. The team used extensive search
software to be as accurate as possible. Only QSOs that were either proven to be in error,
or had a very highly probable error were reduced.
Over all, log accuracy was very good. Claimed scores
were reduced by an average of 1.89% and resulted in changing the outcome of final standing
in only a few cases. The good news is that only five logs had greater than 10% score
reductions due to errors. There were many "perfect" logs where no errors could
be found. As one would expect, CW QSOs were reduced more than SSB QSOs: 1.86% compared to
My thanks go to the log checkers who
put in many hours of effort to get these results out. Their efforts have made these
results more credible. Anyone who submitted a "soft" log can get a check file
that details each and every deduction. Please send your request to
A Personal Note
I would like to give my personal thanks to Bruce, W6OSP
for letting me use his station to set a new record in Napa. This is my first record, and I
now understand the exhilaration of planning such an assault, meeting the challenges that
Murphy throws in your path, and succeeding.
This story could take a few beers to tell, and if
you find me at the DX convention Ill be glad to tell the tale. I now have the
greatest appreciation for Wendel, W6FSJ who held that record for 9 years. Im
already thinking about the next challenge.
Check logs were received from WB6YAW, IK2MLY, KQ6QW, and N2HHT.
You gents at NCCC did a SUPER job of putting
ALL the counties on the air! Made a 'clean sweep'. Heard of several other 'clean sweeps'!
... A fun contest. Your WEB pages were also very useful and another super job! ... N6HR/7
Very different from this side of the country. ... K4XU/7
This was my first real contest and I had fun! ... KB9THU
(Alyssa, age 9)
I put up a new antenna yesterday morning. Your contest was a great
way to test the performance. Next year I'll block out some time to compete for score. ... KB9PQV
Thanks to NCCC for the effort required to sponsor this event. My
third CQP and first SWEEP. Last county was Imperial... Thanks ... KQ6QW
Great contest. SF found me late..tnx N6RA. Had fun with Joel. His
first time on radio. KD5ETC (Daniel) and Joel are brothers.... Could not find Yolo for
sweep. ... K5KB (M/S: K5KB, KC5NYE, KD5ETC age 13, Joel age 10)
One guy told me 'get 100 QSOs for a shirt'. So I went for it.
Getting ready for our (PA) QSO Party on the 10 + 11th. ... KB3AGE (101 Qs)
Had I known how close I was to the TN record for this game I may
have played longer, harder and smarter; but, nevertheless, I had FUN as usual. There were
other unknowns, too. TR Log wasn't correctly tracking Mults worked, so I played this
entire game not knowing which Counties I needed! Actually, it was kinda fun flying by the
seat of my pants. Later, I realized the misconfiguration of TR Log was due to my copying
the TN QSO Party file and forgetting to edit it. Duh. I could've manually tracked the
Mults, of course, but it just didn't seem to be that important. After 500+ Qs, a good
night's rest and before going to Sunday school, I reconfigured the log. ... WO4O
Had a great time this year. Conditions on the bands were great, and
the score was way up thanks to some big runs on 10M and more CW qso's (thanks to those who
put up with my constant asking for repeats!). 20M was not really great on Sunday, everyone
was on 10 and 15! Finially worked Del Norte county Sunday afternoon for the sweep, but I
wasn't first this year. Oh well. Looking foward to next year. Thanks to all the California
stations, NCCC for the great contest, and NB1B for the great competition. ... KE1FO
Got on to get a T shirt, had so much fun chasing counties, went for
the sweep. Then had so much fun, I kept going most of the rainy weekend. ... K3WW
The bands were great! Over slept Sunday morning. the 40 meter was
sick so didn't do much with the vertical. Thanks Jay for VY1A & Rich N7TR, for the
only NV. ... NT6K
Conditions poor on Saturday. Couldn't hear the CA stations on 10M.
Discovered later a bad connectoron the inline wattmeter.... Oops. (Not my station) ... W5ASP
WHAT A WEEKEND!!!!! I think I could write a book about it! Thanks to
AA6UN for giving me my first weep ever in the CQP. The bands were good to me - 10 and 15
meters were like pipelines to CA. Thanks to everyone for making this a super special
event. ... WA3HAE
The (CQP) was my first contest, ever. I know my log is kind of
messed up but here it is anyway. I had a lot of fun and I know I'll do better next time.
... K9YMY
Great weekend! I was concerned with conditions getting worse as the
weekend approached but was surprised to find the bands in pretty good shape anyway. Bravo
Cycle 23!!! My best effort to date - broke SLO record of 7 years. ... W6TK
Great QSO Party as always. I planned all year for this event. As it
drew near I readied log sheets, dupe sheets and waited eagerly. A few days before the
start I caught a cold. Did I let that stop me? No way! Armed with a box of Kleenex, coffee
and soda to ease my throat, I sought out CA counties and stations with enthusiasum. I came
very close to a sweep of all 58 counties. Maybe next year. Thanks guys! ... AB7PX
Love this contest! Heard (but couldn't always work) just about every
CA county on CW this year. Tnx to all the FB ops who dug my flea-powered sigs out of the
mud. N6MR, K6LA, N6TV, K6Z, N6O's sigs melted my earphones! ... AA1CA
Though a ham for 5 years and a general class for 2 years ths was my
first contest with a real effort, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What a blessing to have 10
meters wide open for the party. ... KD4VWN
Had a fun time. 15 meters seemed to have the most action here in VT.
... AA1SU
K6PUD said his count was 2062.. I questioned him as well as several
others, but he held fast... 219 minutes into the contest. Thats 9.4 contacts per minute.
Sorry, but I don't think so. Anyway - thanks for a good time - I really enjoyed it. ...KB5UJY
(ed note: K6PUD operated M/M with three stations. Since they didn't know how to deal
with the serial numbers, they started the contest with ser #1 for station 1, ser #1001 for
station 2, and ser #2001 for station 3. Next year they said they will do it correctly..
each band/mode starts from ser #1 for M/M)
What a fun contest! My biggest thrill was being able to call for a
(fellow) YL during a pile-up. Second biggest thrill was being called by Liverpool England.
Thanks for all your hard work. You are appreciated! ... K6MCP
Again a great way to spend the weekend. I have been off the air for
almost three years due to TVI and a dead 10 meters. The CQP was a nice way to get going
again. ... N9ICH
Operated from Mother-in-Law's driveway in Madison, Ohio. Couldn't
put up any wire antennas due to rain all day Saturday. Had to attend wife's 45th Nurse
Class reunion Satureday evening, so missed all 40 Meter openings to CA. Sure great to see
10 and 15 open! A great contest. ... K4UK/8
I didn't know abt the CAQP until I heard N6O calling
"CQ-P" on 10M SSB. I said to myself "why not join the party?" Had 2
brazen CB'ers call me fm Calif during the contest!! Don't worry, I didn't log them, Hi.
... K8KS
A very enjoyable contest for me, over 200 more contacts than in
1997, my highest QSO total of any contest, and my best hour: 56 - (yeah, many of you might
throw that hour back!). This is the first time in my not quite 3 years experience in
all-band contests that 10m has been so wide open - my first JA on 10m phone was on Sunday.
I hope this is just a taste of things to come. ... KQ6ES
Had a ball. I think this was the first time I put in more than a few
hours in CQP. There really were a lot of stations out there calling CA. Next year I'll be
a little more serious so I can break 1000 QSOs and work all multipliers. ... N6XI
Thank you for a great contest! 19 of the 41 counties worked were new
ones and I will be QSLing those for USACA. Looking forward for next year! ... N0JVR
The bands were full of CA QSO out here.. The conditions were good
and bands fully populated. Low power worked great above 7 MHz, slow going on 3.8 MHz. Next
year I will try to be in Trinity County.. I did not hear anyone on from there! Contrary to
popular knowledge.. Paridise is near to Trinity Trout Streams! ... KH6/WB6FZH
I didn't plan to participate or send in logs this year, but it
rained all weekend (almost). Whenever the lightning let up, I'd call CQP. Where were the
SF guys at this year? I hope everyone was able to work us here in Nebraska. There was at
least 4 or 5 of us on in force! See ya'll next year (if it rains again!). ... K0IL
One of the few (maybe the only) contest where my R-7 vertical does
not put me at a tremendous disadvantage and I can actually run stations successfully. I
was thunderstruck when VR98BG answered my QRZ? ... W6UDX
K6Z MM County Expedition: